Mindglimpse Predictions

Season in Review

MAC Basketball Tournament 2022: Second Round Highlights
As a recap, in the first round of the MAC Tournament, Toledo beat Central Michigan as predicted by Mindglimpse.
Akron beat Buffalo by the only way Mindglimpse said it was possible, that was, by controlling the defensive rebounds.
Likewise, Kent won over Miami by obtaining a higher percentage of three-point shots than Miami, just as Mindglimpse suggested.
The same is true for Ohio University; Mindglimpse predicted the only way Ohio would win is if they had a better 3-point percentage and controlled the defensive rebounds. Ohio won with this strategy.
Today Akron plays Toledo. According to Mindglimpse, Akron only wins this game if they control the defensive rebounds and distribute the ball on the offense, resulting in more assists than Toledo.
Ohio will face off against Kent tonight; Mindglimpse finds that Ohio’s only chance to win is to control the boards.
For further information on the MAC tournament, go to Mindglimpse.com.